Sales and Email Marketing

Finding Life Coaching Clients in 2023: Effective Strategies

Looking to land a life coach as one of your agency clients? We've put together this guide showing you exactly how to figure out your offer & scrape some emails, getting you put in front of your ideal coaches in just a few minutes.
SaaS Tools and Apps

Instantly vs Lemlist: The Ultimate Cold Email Software Face-Off

Instantly and Lemlist are two powerful cold emailing platforms with very different origin stories. With cold emails being the backbone of many businesses, the tool you use to send them can make or break your strategy (or at least give you less of a headache). Let's talk about both Instantly and Lemlist differ and which makes the most sense for you & your agency.
Sales and Email Marketing

Integrating Instantly.AI with Zoho: A Step-by-Step Guide

Looking for an alternative and more affordable solution to sending cold emails when working with campaigns? Look no further than Zoho! Here's how to set them up.
Sales and Email Marketing

Launching Effective Email Campaigns with in 2023

Instantly is a great software to automate your email outreach, but how do you actually set a campaign up? Here are the step-by-step tips to launching your first email marketing campaign!
Sales and Email Marketing

Warming Up Email Domains:’s Effective Strategies

Warming up a new domain is a crucial step in making sure your email campaigns get delivered properly. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to enable email warming using Instantly.AI
SaaS Tools and Apps

Instantly AI: Transforming AI Email Outreach in 2023

Instantly is a wonderful service to send scalable and deliverable cold emails. With AI optimizations, automation, warmup features, and deliverability & campaign analytics, Instantly might just be your next emailing software.