AI Detection

AI Detection

Introducing an Innovative AI Detection Tool for Educators

As the educational landscape evolves, incorporating AI into the classroom presents both opportunities and challenges. En...
AI Detection – The Best AI Detection Tool for Teachers

Unlock the power of, the AI tool designed to enhance teaching by ensuring content authenticity. Elevate your ...
AI Detection

Discover The Foremost AI Detection Platform for Educators

Discover an AI Detection Tool that Makes You a Better Teacher In the ever-evolving landscape of education, where digital...
AI Detection

Sidestepping AI Detection: Humanizing AI-Generated Content

To make writing appear more human, you have to write it like a human! This means more creativity, lack of predictability, and authenticity. Here's a list of our best tips to help bypass AI detection tools by humanizing AI-written content.
AI Detection

Top 5 Tools to Outsmart ChatGPT Writing Detectors

The concept of AI detection is fishy enough, many students get flagged regardless of if they've used ChatGPT. So how can you ensure your ChatGPT-produced writing doesn't get detected as being written with AI? Here's a few of the best tips to get around it.
AI Detection

Caught Using ChatGPT? Here’s Why You Should Stay Calm

ChatGPT has opened our eyes to both the best and the worst of AI. In Education, students have been using it as a shortcut for their schoolwork. If you're one of them, read our article below on how to successfully navigate your issue:
AI Detection

AI Writing Showdown: Undetectable AI vs Netus AI Compared

Undetectable AI and Netus AI are known in the world of AI bypassers as two of the most reliable in the business. But, when they're put in a side-by-side comparison, which one hides better from AI detectors? Let's find out.
AI Detection

The Essential Role of Undetectable AI in Modern Writing

With more and more people getting falsely flagged by AI, the topic of bypassing AI tools is now more relevant than ever. To be more specific, what does Undetectable AI bring to the table and why should you use it with ChatGPT?
AI Detection

The Risks of AI Detection: False Positives & Teaching Implications

Today, as AI takes the world by storm, AI detection is more relevant than ever. Unfortunately, there have been unintended casualties in this new age: innocent students. But how does this happen, and what steps can you take to avoid false accusations?
AI Detection

AI vs Human Art: 9 Side-by-Side Comparisons to Test Your Eye

As AI art becomes more realistic, distinguishing it from human art is turning into a more difficult but also increasingly important task. Since AI is becoming smarter, so must we. Here are some ways you can identify AI art:
AI Detection

Top 6 Methods to Identify AI-Generated Images

The line between AI and human art gets blurrier by the second. Many AI-generated art pieces can pass as human, for better or worse. Here's a few of my best tips and tricks for figuring out if something was written with AI or not.
AI Detection

AI Image Detection Challenge: 17 Intriguing Examples

Over the last couple months, AI detection has become prevalent for texts. But there has been little to no traction for AI image detection. How confident are you that you can identify AI images?
AI Detection

Detecting ChatGPT’s Writing: 9 Key Identification Tips

While you can't detect AI like you can with plagiarism, there's a few obvious ways to get some insight into figuring out if ChatGPT was used to write a paper.
AI Detection

Koala Writer: Instant Full-Length, Human-Like Blog Posts

Every corner of the internet has some form of content. Therefore, the need to stand out is greater than ever before. Create publish-ready content with Koala Writer: an AI-powered writing assistant and chatbot. In this article, we’ll focus on what’s Koala Writer, its features, pros and cons, alternatives, and more!
AI Detection

ChatGPT in Classrooms: Ethical Considerations Explored

ChatGPT is that new AI chatbot everyone’s speaking about. It can publish essays, reply concerns, and even aid with homew...
AI Detection

AI Content Detection: Content At Scale AI Detector Reviewed

We are in an age of transition: the middle ground between the rise and universal adoption of AI. Because of this, a need exists to govern AI content both online and in our classrooms. One such way is through AI detectors. In this article, we'll look into Content At Scale and discover what makes their AI detection tool special.
AI Detection

AI Detection Battle: HideMyAI vs Originality.AI Showdown

AI detectors and AI bypass tools are becoming increasingly prominent by the minute. But, if you put one of each tool in a head-to-head matchup, which reigns supreme? Let’s find out using HideMyAI and Originality.AI.
AI Detection

ChatGPT in Schools: Addressing the Challenges Head-On

As engineering moves quick, colleges are attempting to maintain up.But when it comes to utilizing AI in the classroom, n...
AI Detection

Rethinking ChatGPT Content: The Need for Paraphrasing

It’s no secret that ChatGPT has been actively disrupting the writing community. However, for such a robust system, I’ve never been satisfied with a ChatGPT response and I rewrite most of them. But, for what reasons exactly?
AI Detection

AI Writing Stealth: Undetectable.AI vs Originality.AI Compared

The rapid evolution of AI content has left many scrambling for AI detectors like Originality AI. However, there has also been a sudden market need for AI bypass tools like Undetectable AI to trick detection platforms. When put in a head-to-head situation, which software will come out on top?
AI Detection vs OpenAI: Debunking AI Detector Myths

In the ongoing debate surrounding the effectiveness of AI content material detectors,, an AI detection bu...
AI Detection

CopyLeaks: The Go-To AI Detector for Educators

Responsible use of technology is more important now than ever before as our reliance on AI continues to grow. Copyleaks is an AI content and plagiarism detection tool that’s meant to aid teachers in ensuring academic integrity. But how effective is it really?
AI Detection

Top ChatGPT Plagiarism Checkers of 2023: A Comprehensive List

Every day a new AI tool enters the market — but none leaves as big an impact as ChatGPT did. It has become such a dominant force in various fields, especially education. With that, teachers are presented with a new dilemma: "How can you tell if something came from a human or from ChatGPT?" These tools should help
AI Detection

TurnItIn’s AI Detector: A Must-Know for the New School Year

TurnItIn has some detailed FAQs they've answered about how their relatively new internal AI detector works for teachers and students. Here are the most important takeaways.