Elon’s New Venture: xAi’s Ambitious Launch and Its Big Promises

Artificial Intelligence

Elon Musk just announced his new artificial intelligence venture, xAI, to rival OpenAI. 

Ironically, he co-founded OpenAI, collectively with Sam Altman. The competitors goes on and may well get heated, right after Musk called ChatGPT too woke and desires xAI to be “maximum reality-looking for.”

On July twelve, Musk announced on Twitter, that the rumors close to xAI are correct. Following information of him incorporating the company and buying CPUs in march, he tweeted:

The group close to xAI consists of huge names in the AI sector. Former DeepMind, Tesla and Microsoft workers joined Musk on his mission, he describes on the internet site as “to understand the true nature of the universe.”

Aside from names like Igor Babuschkin, particularly one particular much more member is pointed out as an advisor, Dan Hendrycks. He at the moment is the director for the Center of AI Safety.

That helps make sense, considering that Elon Musk publicly criticized the quick growth of AI and attempted to highlight the danger that comes with it.

He signed two open letters with the aim to pause AI growth to assure a secure progress. Hendrycks was the one behind that letter, warning about hazards related with AI.

For these of you who want much more specifics, xAI promoted an open phone on their internet site. On July 14, you can inquire queries in the Twitter Spaces Chat and meet the group behind this ambitiously exclusive thought.
