Sales and Email Marketing

Web Design & Digital Marketing Essentials for Attorneys

A quality firm will work on building an effective website and digital strategy for your business that will help you attract and convert more leads.
SEO & AI Writing

Breakdance vs Elementor: The Ultimate 2023 Page Builder Battle

With the release of the new Breakdance Builder, Elementor has some direct competition. Let's go over the benefits of each builder
Web Development & Design

Adding Reading Time Indicators to Breakdance Builder Blogs

Are you looking to add the post reading time to your blog? If you are, then you're in luck! By following a few simple steps, you can easily add this feature to your blog when using Breakdance Builder
Web Development & Design

Troubleshooting WordPress Youtube Embed Issues in 2024

What happens when you're trying to embed youtube content and it's not working? We'll explore a few of the potential solutions to get your videos embedded properly in the Gutenberg editor.
Web Development & Design

Breakdance Builder vs Elementor: Why It’s Time to Switch

Breakdance is a new WordPress page builder that focuses on ease of use. With over 130 elements and simple drag & drop UI, Breakdance makes creating beautiful websites easy and fun.
SEO & AI Writing

Mastering WordPress Speed Optimization in 2023

In this ultimate guide to WordPress speed, we'll answer all of your questions about website speed and how to optimize your WordPress site for speed. We'll also provide some top tips on how to troubleshoot common speed issues, so you can keep your site running fast and smoothly.
Sales and Email Marketing

Pre-Send Email Warm-Up Strategies for Cold Email Success

If you’re working on cold email, buying domains, and sending out emails to your ideal customers then you’ve heard the phrase “be sure to warm up your domain!”.
Artificial Intelligence

DALL-E 2’s Time Travel: Uncovering Photo History

Using the new outpainting feature in DALL-E 2, I took some of the most famous images of all time and expanded their borders
Sales and Email Marketing

Defining Cold Email: What It Is and Why It Matters

Cold email is the process of sending a personalized email to your ideal prospect or target audience. Whether you’re looking for an internship, a mentor, selling a B2B service, or reaching out to have guests on your podcasts - cold email is for all of this and more. 
SEO & AI Writing

Quick Accessibility Fixes for Your WordPress Website

Accessibility use very important for tons of reasons. Often times people don't think about how important it is because they don't have to. If you take the time to make your website more accessible, you're opening the doors for a lot of people who might not otherwise be able to experience your content. It's a simple task that can go a long way!
Web Development & Design

Calculating Reading Time in WordPress Without Plugins

You can add estimated reading times to your articles without having to install a plugin using simple PHP.
Artificial Intelligence

AI in Fashion Design: The Exciting Potential of DALL-E 2

We are on the cusp of a future in which fashion is designed by algorithms, AI, and machine learning. DALL-E has an awesome take on fashion and clothing design.
Web Development & Design

Designing Engaging Navigation Menus with Breakdance Builder

In this tutorial, we'll recreate the list of main features on the official Breakdance website in our own navigation menu bar
Artificial Intelligence

Expanding Creativity: Outpainting Techniques with DALL-E 2

DALL-E 2 outpainting allows you to take an image and add to it, making it bigger. Think of it as building a mystery puzzle of combined images.
Web Development & Design

Adding Dynamic Particles.js to Oxygen Builder: 2023 Guide

Particlesjs is a powerful, lightweight javascript library that allows you to create animated particle backgrounds for your website. We can easily use them in an Oxygen Wordpress Site
Web Development & Design

Crafting Engaging Newsletters in Breakdance Builder

A large part of converting users to newsletter subscribers is timing. You need to show a beautiful popup at the right moment when users are interested in your content, but not annoyed by it.
Web Development & Design

Building a Related Posts Section in Oxygen Builder

Add a related posts section to Oxygen using custom query and easyposts widgets.
Artificial Intelligence

Artistic Image Editing: Mastering DALL-E 2’s Inpainting

DALL-E 2 provides the ability to edit existing photos and add content to certain sections of them. This is a game changer for anyone who wants to create composite images or simply tweak an image they have.
Web Development & Design

How to Add a Unique Favicon in Breakdance Builder

If you're looking at developing a high-quality website for your business, then you should be looking into adding a favicon. Not only does it improve branding and make your site more recognizable, but it also makes your site look more professional.
Web Development & Design

Customizing Blog Post Templates in Breakdance Builder

If you want to customize the look and feel of your blog posts in Breakdance you can create a custom template.
Web Development & Design

Designing an Effective Search Bar & Template in Oxygen

Oxygen Builder comes with a built-in search form widget that you can use to add a search bar that can integrate with a search results page.
Web Development & Design

Streamlining Workflow: Send Contact Forms to Slack in Breakdance

If you're using Breakdance, you can send your contact forms to a specific Slack channel which can be useful if you have a team that needs to be notified when someone submits a form.
Web Development & Design

Integrating Custom CSS in Breakdance Builder

Adding CSS to your site is a great way to customize and control the look and feel of your web page. We can use three different ways to add custom CSS to a Breakdance Builder Website.
Web Development & Design

Inserting Videos Seamlessly with Breakdance Builder

Adding a video to your WordPress site with Breakdance is easy and the builder gives you a lot of control over how it looks and feels.