Web Development & Design

Web Development & Design

Dynamic Data Utilization in Breakdance Builder Explained

Dynamic data in WordPress makes your website smarter, allowing it to change based on how users interact with it, like whether they're logged in or what time they visit. Breakdance makes it super easy to configure these settings on your WordPress website.
Web Development & Design

Streamlining WordPress: Removing Category and Tags in Oxygen Builder

Are you tired of the "Category:" and "Tags:" prefix in Oxygen dynamic archive pages? You can easily remove it by installing a PHP code snippet and calling a specific function. With the help of a code snippets plugin, you can achieve a cleaner look for your category, tag, or custom archive titles in Oxygen.
Web Development & Design

Cloudways Hosting: An Honest Review After 16 Months

Cloudways is an extremely fast and powerful website host that can serve your business a multitude of services. We've been using it for well over a year now and wanted to give our thoughts on the powerhouse of a host!
Web Development & Design

Mastering Global Blocks in Breakdance Builder

Adding a global block to Breakdance is super easy. They're used for repeatable content blocks to add customized elements to specific pages.
Web Development & Design

The Ins and Outs of Breakdance Builder Page Templates

Templates allow you to create a consistent and professional design across your Breakdance site while streamlining the content creation process and simplifying updates, ensuring an enhanced user experience for your visitors and greater peace-of-mind for you!
Web Development & Design

Enabling SVG Uploads in Breakdance Builder Without Extra Plugins

In just a few clicks, you can embrace SVGs for an exceptional user experience, elevating your website's aesthetics and interactivity on your Breakdance website.
Web Development & Design

Solutions for CLS Issues with Google AdSense Integration

Is Google AdSense creating a massive CLS jump on your website? It happened to us! Here's how we fixed it.
Web Development & Design

Latte Style’s Beginner Course for Mastering Breakdance Builder

Latte Style Releases Breakdance Builder 101 Course for Aspiring Web Developers who want to build websites with little to no prior experience.
Web Development & Design

Essential Plugins and Extensions for Breakdance Builder Users

Breakdance is a powerful WordPress page builder, but why not extend it further? These tools will help boost your page designs and company branding
Web Development & Design

The Definitive Speed Optimization Guide for Breakdance Builder

Website speed is crucial. Users will leave your site within seconds if it doesn't load. Breakdance Builder is an extremely fast builder with almost no bloat, but why not try to make your site even more efficient? Here's our list of the best plugins and tips to ensure your site is the fastest it could be.
Web Development & Design

Destiny Elements Review: Speeding Up Design in Breakdance Builder

Destiny Elements for Breakdance is a new plugin with over 25 elements to help speed up and customize your Breakdance builder designs. Here's a list of everything included
Web Development & Design

Integrating CDN with WordPress & Breakdance via Bunny.net

A Content Delivery Network is a great way to ensure website traffic across the world is evenly distributed, allowing visitors to universally experience the content on your website with the speed of being around the corner.
Web Development & Design

2023’s Top WordPress Drag & Drop Builders: A Comprehensive Review

WordPress is the most popular website management platform in the world. With it comes the beautiful world of page builders. Each one offers their own unique features and community, but which one is best for you? Here's the best 4 drag and drop page builders to use in 2023.
Web Development & Design

Decoding the get_theme_mod() Function in WordPress

The get_theme_mod function makes it easy to access customizations made by the user in the Customizer. It retrieves these theme options stored in the database, allowing you to change things like colors, fonts, and layout.
Web Development & Design

Optimizing Breakdance Builder with a3 Lazy Load Setup

Lazy loading is a wonderful way of improving the loading time if your website. Combining a3 lazy loading with the powerful speed of Breakdance makes for an insanely fast site.
Web Development & Design

Accelerating Breakdance Caching with WPRocket: Tips for 2023

Learn how to speed up your WordPress website with one of the best premium speed and caching plugins, WP Rocket. Easily optimize your Breakdance Builder site and improve your page structure & loading times.
Web Development & Design

Implementing Scroll-to-Anchor Links in Breakdance Builder

By connecting a WordPress menu to an element in Breakdance, you can easily add anchor links to any part of your websites page.
Web Development & Design

Unpublishing Your WordPress Site: How-To for Pages, Posts, and Domains

Sometimes you need to remove some or all of your content from your WordPress website. With a few clicks, you can easily modify your website to only show the content you want!
Web Development & Design

Adding Animated Particlejs Backgrounds in Breakdance Builder

Adding a particle background could enhance your website & attract more visitors. In Breakdance it's fairly easy to add & customize!
Web Development & Design

Crafting a Curved Mobile Magic Menu in Breakdance Builder

Bouncy navigation bars on mobile are great ways of attracting and retaining users on your website. We can easily add one to our site built with Breakdance
Web Development & Design

Mastering the add_rewrite_rule() Function in WordPress

The add_rewrite_rule function in WordPress allows you to create and modify URL structures in WordPress. We'll go over an example and how it works in depth.
Web Development & Design

Responsive Design in Breakdance Builder: Essential Tips

Designing a responsive website isn't easy. It requires knowing about px, %, em, rem, vw, and vh. Luckily, Breakdance easily allows you to set these elements – but first you have to understand them.
Web Development & Design

Identifying WordPress Websites: 10 Telltale Signs

You can tell if a website is built using WordPress based on their URL, content, and checking for plugins. Check out this list for details about 10 methods of detecting the presence of WordPress.
Web Development & Design

Designing a Smooth Transition Sticky Header in Breakdance

With a little bit of custom code, you can create a beautiful sticky header that follows your users down as they scroll through your website